2 - Ammo and health pack cabinets are replenished 50% faster than the default speeds.
3 - Panzers are now affected by gravity, no longer moving on a straight line to the target.
4 - New hit modes now take into account various parts of the body: feet, legs, hands, arms, torso and head. Damage inflicted will vary depending on which part was hit. A different hitsound will play when specific parts are hit. Hitting head shots shouldn't be affected much, so if you're a good head shooter, you'll probably have no problems with the new hit modes. However, depending on the enemy's position, head shots may also be harder to score because any body part in the bullets path will block them. One of the main objectives of this change is to encourage players to develop their ability to hit head shots, and I've already noticed a clear improvement on that.
We are experimenting with hit modes 5 (advanced) and 6 (oriented) combined with different sizes for the torso hit box. The main differences between these two modes are:
a) on hit mode 5 the head hit box is a little bit taller, while on hit mode 6 it's very small, making headshots extremely hard to score, especially from a distance. Actually, I found it too small, so we are currently using hit mode 5.
b) hit boxes on hit mode 6 are even smaller and follow the character's animation more closely - for example, tilted body parts will generate tilted hit boxes, like the left leg hit box in the third image below:
Again, these are experimental changes and I might revert the server to the standard hit mode if the new ones don't work out well.
5 - Players who constantly leave the team (by going spectator or disconnecting) after matches have started will be banned. If a player wants to leave, he must do so before a match starts.
6 - Players who switch to the opposite team during a match will be banned, except if the other team is outnumbered AND much weaker.
7 - Regular players who don't bother to learn map objectives will be banned. We will be considering a regular player anyone who has reached 10K XP.
8 - Having fun on the server means making jokes, saying all kinds of funny stuff, etc. Having fun on the server does not include: jumping or standing on teammates playing dead or using mortars; jumping on dead teammates to gib them; pushing people off edges; etc. etc. etc. Players who do that will be banned.
9 - This one is not new but I'm going to mention it again anyway: team killing with a knife or a poison syringe will get the player banned immediately, without any warning.
10 - If you disagree with any of the above, please send an email to kim.jong-un@korea-dpr.com.