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Autoswitch VS noAmmoAutoSwitch

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Re: Autoswitch VS noAmmoAutoSwitch


Post by Pedro-NF »

Vuvuzela*Asesina wrote: Does anybody know the difference between these 2 commands?

set cg_autoswitch
set cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch
cg_autoswitch ---> Switches automatically to a weapon on the floor when you pass over it. Set it to 0.
cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch ---> Switches to next most powerful weapon with ammo (ex.: pistol -> panzer -> knife) when you run out of ammo on your current weapon.
Vuvuzela*Asesina wrote: Also, can someone explain why the autoexec.cfg file (where you store your personal config) has to be saved in the etmain folder and in the jaymod folder?
If you connect using a shortcut that changes the mod before connecting to the server (like you should - see here), the autoexec.cfg in etmain is executed first then the one in jaymod is executed next. The autoexec.cfg in etmain is always executed, so you might want to have commands that set stuff that works for all mods you play in that file, and only Jaymod specific stuff in the file in jaymod. After the mod has been switched to jaymod, if you type /exec autoexec, the one in the jaymod directory will be executed. I advise people to keep the same autoexec.cfg file in both directories because I've noticed in various occasions the autoexec.cfg file not being executed if it wasn't present both in etmain and jaymod. Or maybe that happened in my ETPro days, I'm not really sure, but anyways, I've seen that happen and so I have always kept the same file in etmain and in the directories of all mods I might play. I'm almost sure there are other reasons too but I can't remember them so just keep the damn file in both directories and don't bother me.
Vuvuzela*Asesina wrote: And, what happens when you type a command, for example: /set cg_wolfparticles 0. Is the command automatically stored in one fo the autoexec.cfg files? what happens if you don't use the prefix /set?
No Cvar values you change during the game are stored in the autoexec.cfg file. They are stored in the etconfig.cfg file in the CURRENTMOD\profiles\YOURPROFILENAME directory. It makes no difference if you type on the console /set CVAR X, /seta CVAR X or simply /CVAR X, all three commands will set the specified Cvar to X and store the value in the etconfig.cfg file. Cvar values in the etconfig.cfg file will be overwritten the next time you run the game if you have an autoexec.cfg file with commands to set those Cvars to different values. Actually, that's one of the various reasons I discarded switching to N!tmod completely: when you change a setting via the menu, that mod dumps all your config strings to your autoexec.cfg file, overwriting it completely and erasing all formatting and useful comments you probably have there.

"Was he crazy!"
"Yeah, in a very special way. An Irishman."

(Once Upon A Time In The West, 1968)

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