... ded/578080
It's an amazing game with a lot of potential, but I simply cannot recommend it until the publisher stops babysitting streamers and stops banning people who kill or disturb them. I don't watch or follow streamers and can't see the point in doing that instead of actually playing the game. This is a matter of principle - if you're in the game broadcasting your position to the whole world, you should be ready and willing to deal with the consequences of doing that. And while the streamers get pampered, cheating is completely out of control.
What worries me the most is that Brendan Greene (aka PLAYERUNKNOWN) seems to be a fan of Microsoft and their "software as a service" business model, which already spawned abominations like Cancer 10. Thus the lack of plans for Linux and Mac OS X ports and for Vulkan support. I'm pretty sure they have DirectX 12 support planned though and eventually the game might become Cancer 10 only, which would be a real shame.
UPDATE 1: with the 14 September 2017 update, the devs decided to go all Microsoft and removed some of the players' choices. The Shadows setting is now being ignored, and a high level of shadows is being forced on all players, together with ambient occlusion, bloom and depth of field. All the bugs reported on [/b]the game's official forums by people who played to the test servers before the update was deployed on the main servers were solemnly ignored, making me wonder what's the point in having test servers at all.
UPDATE 2: one of their "community managers" posted an "explanation" referring to this topic on reddit instead of on their official forums where the topic was created, so I posted on their official forums that doing that was amateurish of him. A few minutes later, I was summarily banned from their official forums without any previous warning by a moderator going by the nick PUBG_Caesar of Roma. And to think that I've been helping to promote this game on all the [>NF<] Game Servers sites and community channels since it was launched...
So, when you post on the PUBG official forums, be extremely careful not to write anything the hypersensitive, touchy-feely "community managers" and moderators might find even slightly offensive to them, or you will be banned without warning and with no chance to appeal the ban.
UPDATE 3: on 20 December 2017 the game officially left early access state, and I gotta give the devs some credit for having had the courage to release this... thing. They actually managed to make the game look and play and sound worse than the early access version. All textures have been downfiltered and the color palette reduced. Chromatic aberration also seems to have been applied, together with color oversaturation. I would say that, once they admitted to themselves that they were unable to increase the game's performance, they decided to partially achieve that by downgrading the quality of the graphics. And the water... what have they done to the water?!?!? Was it really their intention to make it look like an oil spillage happened?
Now on to the new "desert" map (AKA Miramar). It's hard to find words to describe that abomination. While every spot on Erangel had some kind of "point" to it, with different strategies needed depending on where you decided to land, the new map would probably have been better if they had let a program generate it by randomly placing groups of buildings and hills across the map - because that's what it is, a pointless mess of pointless spots, plagued by even worse graphics than Erangel, with horribly overbright low-quality textures covering the whole thing.
Any FPS game from the mid 2000's looks and plays and sounds way better than this. I laughed a lot with my friends because some of the new vehicle sounds actually reminded us of someone having sexual intercourse. The bombing sounds are equally laughably inconsistent. I really tried hard to find some redeeming quality to this release but it's so bad and annoying in so many ways that I'm not even feeling like playing the game anymore.
UPDATE 4: with the release of the new crates on 22 February 2018, I decided today to check out the state the game was in. I only have one word to describe it: ABOMINATION. They managed to make the graphics and the maps even uglier - even the once glorious Erangel is now hard to look at without my stomach churning. For some reason they decided to shrink the fonts and the game's items, making text harder to read and items harder to pick up. The game's items were also reskinned and look much worse now, as does most everything else. But the icing on this rotten cake is the new "sliding feature". It works like this: when you stop moving, you continue to slide in the direction you were moving for a while. That makes you miss turns, items and enemies all the time. The only reason I can possibly imagine for someone to play the game the way it is now is to get the crates and sell them on the community market.
UPDATE 5 (27 May 2018): Chinese cheat fest.
Discord Server:
Updates to my PUBG review (featuring PUBG_Caesar Of Roma): the game has been turned into a complete abomination (27 May 2018)
Updates to my PUBG review (featuring PUBG_Caesar Of Roma): the game has been turned into a complete abomination (27 May 2018)
"Was he crazy!"
"Yeah, in a very special way. An Irishman."
(Once Upon A Time In The West, 1968)
"Was he crazy!"
"Yeah, in a very special way. An Irishman."
(Once Upon A Time In The West, 1968)
Re: Updates to my PUBG review: how the devs managed to completely mess up the game with the 14 September 2017 update
The latest patch on the test server makes me physically sick (PUBG forums) ... ally-sick/ ... ally-sick/
"Was he crazy!"
"Yeah, in a very special way. An Irishman."
(Once Upon A Time In The West, 1968)
"Was he crazy!"
"Yeah, in a very special way. An Irishman."
(Once Upon A Time In The West, 1968)
Re: Updates to my PUBG review: how the devs managed to completely mess up the game with the 14 September 2017 update
"Was he crazy!"
"Yeah, in a very special way. An Irishman."
(Once Upon A Time In The West, 1968)
"Was he crazy!"
"Yeah, in a very special way. An Irishman."
(Once Upon A Time In The West, 1968)
Re: Updates to my PUBG review: how the devs managed to completely mess up the game with the 14 September 2017 update
WARNING: Bluehole has just edited their previous forum statement regarding editing .ini files ... ini-files/ ... ini-files/
"Was he crazy!"
"Yeah, in a very special way. An Irishman."
(Once Upon A Time In The West, 1968)
"Was he crazy!"
"Yeah, in a very special way. An Irishman."
(Once Upon A Time In The West, 1968)
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