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Clanbase Nations Cup XV in need of two teams!

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 16:48
by PAISA.own
Many of us probably are thinking why GoldoraK hasn't published qualis/groups yet. Here is the answer! After few talks with him, I found out that there isn't enough teams to make a 32 teams group stage now, without qualifiers. There is no way to create groups with just 29 or, as it turned out when Spain joined the tournament, 30 nations (formats like 2 groups of 7 teams + 2 of 8 or 5x4 + 2x5 in groups are forbidden). GoldoraK did his best to avoid Qualifiers and let all teams play in this 6on6 NationsCup. However, without 32 teams he can't do much and it seems like he is going to do Qualifiers week again! So we have two solutions to solve this problem and move on with this NationsCup:
Get two teams - other than are already signed-up (list of current participants: CB - click)

*** teams that played in last NC XIV and are missing now: Denmark, Slovakia, Greece.

If Goldorak don't find 2 more teams, he will come back to Qualifiers Stage and there will be 24 nations in groups (= 6 teams will be out at the beginning of the cup after Qualis)

So decide, whether you want to help us with finding more countries and encourage them to play in full 32 teams tournament without Qualis or lose 6 teams as a result of Qualis.

Also, GoldoraK is already tired of this whole whine towards him. He is doing his best to save this game, he's trying to host the best cup as possible, so it would be nice if you can stop complaining about him and better help him with this issue! He wants to start Groups/Qualis as soon as possible - everything is already prepared, so hurry up guys!

Contact: pm [CB]GoldoraK or via crossfire. (You can pmme as well if you can't reach Goldorak)
TL;DR: Clanbase's Nations Cup is missing two teams. As you brazilians have a good community going on, you might be able to get 6 players (if interested) to play for the upcoming Nations Cup. Let me know ASAP if you fine gentlemen are interested in this. You must play on ETPro and have TZAC!

XFIRE: p4p3rcut001
IRC: /q Paper @Quakenet

Thanks for your attention

Paper aka Paisa