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Senate passes controversial cybersecurity-cyberspying bill 74-21

Posted: 29 Oct 2015, 03:37
by Pedro-NF

Senate passes controversial cybersecurity-cyberspying bill 74-21

Bill gives corporate America legal immunity when sharing consumer data to DHS.

CISA Security Bill Passes Senate With Privacy Flaws Unfixed

On Tuesday afternoon, the Senate voted 74 to 21 to pass a version of CISA that roughly mirrors legislation passed in the House earlier this year, paving the way for some combined version of the security bill to become law.

Senate passes controversial cybersecurity bill Cisa 74 to 21

Senate votes in favor of bill critics including Edward Snowden say will allow the government to collect sensitive personal data unchecked.

A Quick Guide to the Cybersecurity Bill Passed by the U.S. Senate

The basics of the controversial Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA).