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Help me please! I need music suggestions! ~ tell me what to listen to ~

Posted: 17 Jun 2015, 22:06
by blaskattacks
~ I drive a lot for work so I like to download music and listen to it while I drive.
~ While I have an extensive music collection already, I am always looking for suggestions ~
~ Post me links, names, youtubes, soundcloud, anything! ~
~Since this is social board I figured I would also invite you to post youtube videos of any bands or songs you want to recommend!
~I'm looking for the best of the best, stuff that's different, your favorites as well ~ lets make it fun!
~IF any of you have forgotten how to youtube tag i got this for you !
~Or alternatively Click Anywhere ARound Here and Go to YOUTUBE TAG HOW TO POST~
~I will get the party started by suggesting Medeski, Martin, and Wood
~some proper funky jazz, a fusion of many different influences!

~Last but not least, Medeski, Martin & Wood - Lets go everywhere, a children's album.
~Surprisingly good, and some healthy themes for your kids.

Re: Help me please! I need music suggestions! ~ tell me what to listen to ~

Posted: 17 Jun 2015, 23:20
by Pedro-NF

Looking back now I think the topic's title misled people into thinking it was about movie soundtracks. I meant it as the soundtracks to people's lives.

Re: Help me please! I need music suggestions! ~ tell me what to listen to ~

Posted: 18 Jun 2015, 00:07
by blaskattacks
Ohh a nice start there! I did a search for a topic like this but couldnt really find one

Re: Help me please! I need music suggestions! ~ tell me what to listen to ~

Posted: 18 Jun 2015, 00:35
by Pedro-NF
Anyways, since you make faggish electronic music, it's imperative that you know by heart the five essential albums by the masters:

KRAFTWERK - Autobahn (1974)

KRAFTWERK - Radio-Activity (1975. German edition: Radio-Activität)

KRAFTWERK - Trans-Europe Express (1977. German edition: Trans-Europa Express)

KRAFTWERK - The Man-Machine (1978. German edition: Die Mensch-Maschine)

KRAFTWERK - Computer World (1981. German edition: Computerwelt)

The albums with German versions have the exact same instrumental mix as the international versions but lyrics in German.

Re: Help me please! I need music suggestions! ~ tell me what to listen to ~

Posted: 18 Jun 2015, 23:18
by blaskattacks
FDP, Of course I have already heard kraftwerk. Gods that came before our time and laid out the foundation of electronic music.