Two-year-old CHILEAN boy kept alive by pregnant dog who BREASTFED him after his "dead drunk" mother left him severely neglected.
A severely neglected toddler in Chile was kept alive after a pregnant dog started breastfeeding him. The two-year-old boy, who has not been identified, was spotted feeding from his neighbor's canine, Reina, after his drunken mother allegedly left him without food or water in the desert port of Arica.
Police were called to the scene and the naked infant was taken to Hospital Regional Dr. Juan Noé, some 1,240 miles north of the country's capital, Santiago, where he was found to be malnourished. Officials believe the boy - who was seen feeding from Reina (Queen) at a mechanic's workshop in a poor area of the port on Thursday - may have been saved from starvation by the dog's breast milk.