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What is a MACHO?

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Re: What is a MACHO?


Post by Pedro-NF »

Money $hot wrote:All this talk of MACHOS...gay isn't macho.... uber-macho is not Hard Gay (japanese comedian) etc, etc.

It's very conflicting information, especially to someone who is MACHO-Proof.

I would like a detailed explanation of what a MACHO is, with examples.
Unfortunately, the subtleties of true machoness are hard to put into words, and also, there are a lot of characteristics that need to be present together for someone to classify as a real macho. Attitudes may be very misleading, so often you just have to feel the person to know if he's a real macho. Any indication of physical attraction to female oriented material or females in general, though, are enough to disqualify the subject in analysis as a real macho - at least temporarily until that disease is cured (Azure is a typical example) - since machos do not mix with females in any ways other than professional matters (like coordinating the females house cleaning), donating sacred milk for females to be able to produce new machos, etc. Care must be taken when analysing machos who for some reason are still in development and confused by the distorted concepts society, church, family, and whatever else, keeps showering on them, and so may be in a state of macho-denial (= Ortiran). Now subjects like j1 are already chronically diseased and need very intensive care if they ever hope to be cured.

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Re: What is a MACHO?


Post by Pedro-NF »

By the way, money, I can clearly see where all this doubt is coming from - you have the seed of real machoness germinating inside you, and one doesn't need to be Freud to notice the signals, like your obsession with NUTS.

My advice, as Clapton sang on a song from his "461 Ocean Boulevard" album, is: "let it grow, let it grow, let it blossom, let if flow".

While we're on the subject, I was going to do a detailed review of the film Love Canadian Style, but I was very disappointed with it. The males featured are not very attractive and one even looks a little Japanese (wtf!?!?). There's only one passable scene at the end, but then, after the porra is milked, they commit the sacrilege of cleaning it up with a towel (yes, unbelievable!!!) instead of consuming the sacred nectar or using it for skin rejuvenation. My verdict is that either the actors were not real machos, or Canadian machos are just not up to acceptable real macho standards.

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Re: What is a MACHO?


Post by Pedro-NF »

Money $hot wrote: HAHAHAH!

Predictable lil macho...I was just waiting for you second post. You just could not resist could you? LOlz The only thing germinating inside me is more Porra for female putas, titties and anuses.....

Macho=Gay? Or is macho on some different level of gayness??

Are machos gays that don't show effeminate behavior...?..(like Azure?)

I think u fags just make it complicated to try and confuse non machos so you can attempt to turn them.
You're in a state where I can't currently offer you much help to overcome your understandable confusion. In these cases, the best thing to do is to give it some time and things will usually fall into their right places by themselves. Now about the statement on Azure... I wouldn't be so adamant about his behavior, unless you are willing, as we say in Brazil, "to put your hand on fire" for him (meaning you believe something so much that you'd put your hand on fire if it weren't true).

"Was he crazy!"
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Re: What is a MACHO?


Post by Pedro-NF »

My dear money $hot, I've been trying to avoid having to say this, but you're starting to sound just as angrily defensive as Ortiran. I know it's often hard to face the hard truth about ourselves, but there's no need to act like a cornered wild animal. Denial is a very common and natural part of the process of machofication for many people, but you should try and see the bright side of it: your process has started! I advise you to constantly pray to the Supreme Macho Spirit for guidance and enlightenment, that should help bring you comfort and piece of mind during this difficult phase.

"Was he crazy!"
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Re: What is a MACHO?


Post by qu4s3n4d4 »

I thinkk that that talk of you is gonna end in porrada!


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Re: What is a MACHO?


Post by Pedro-NF »

It's rather sad to see your arguments getting weaker and more desperate with every new post. Fucking Brazil is just like US of fucking A, a legion of machos in desperate need of help everywhere. The USA suffers even more because of the inheritage of elements from the puritan colonization in many places - which sometimes leds to regrettable episodes like all those shootings in schools and shopping malls, perpetrated by machos who've gone nuts because they never received the help they needed. On the other hand, have you ever been to San Francisco, and if you have, did you wear some flowers in your hair? Both fake-countries have lots of cute machos though, and before I nuke both places, I'll be instituting a specific Organ within the Sacred Empire to transfer them to another location, where there will be other Organs ready to provide them with the care they need to reabilitate themselves.

My curiosity led me to order my Department Of Intelligency to do some backgroung research on you, and they found out that a scene recorded when you tried to play Halo 3 on some shitty console and got gang tbagged has been widely spred over the internet. My conclusion is that this was the catalyst for the start of your machofication process and for the development of your nut obsession, which you've been trying - quite successfully, I must say - to bring to ET.


"Was he crazy!"
"Yeah, in a very special way. An Irishman."

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Re: What is a MACHO?


Post by Fsjal »

The only thing germinating inside me is more Porra
Well, I think I have bad news for you..

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Re: What is a MACHO?


Post by tamere »

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Re: What is a MACHO?


Post by qu4s3n4d4 »

This is a macho


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